Greetings from beyond the void!

I've added the option to use a dark mode, you can turn it on (or off) from either the user menu in the top right or from the sun/moon icon at the bottom of the page.

  • Dark mode.
  • Removed Google+ sharing from posts.
  • Adjusted chat to rely less on timing and more on message IDs, this should (hopefully) improve syncing.
  • When collapsing the online users column chat avatars will still be shown
  • Banned users are now hidden from the members list and the PM list (spam bots were cluttering them)*

The dark mode still needs some adjustments, but I figured it's good enough for me to push it live.

*Banned users who you have private messages with still appear in the PM list.

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at
Last edited 10:46 PM (UTC) on Aug 04, 2019 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Mar 16, 2019

I have tried to iron out some bugs in the chat and also made some changes to how the private messaging system functions, here's some of the changes:

  • Private messages can now be viewed and sent from a page in the user panel.
  • If the user has notifications enabled they will receive a notification when they are sent a PM.
  • Tweaked some timings with the chat, hopefully resulting in fewer lost messages.

You can still send private messages via the /pm command in chat, however now users are more likely to actually receive them.

This feature is still a little rough around the edges (for example, at the moment it will only show the newest 50 messages per user) so let me know if you run into any glaring issues or have any suggestions.

P.S. You may need to refresh the page and/or clear your cache for everything to work correctly

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at
Last edited 8:37 AM (UTC) on Mar 16, 2019 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Feb 02, 2018
Hi everybody!

I've made a few small tweaks to the chat interface:

  • Online users visible on mobile (except in popout player)
  • Ability to collapse online users box (hit the little arrow)
  • Added an online users counter
  • Added buttons to quickly reply or PM a user (appears in the top right of a message when you hover your mouse over or tap a message on mobile)
Last edited 2:52 AM (UTC) on Oct 22, 2017 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Oct 22, 2017
I've pushed some changes to the chat live today.

These changes include:

CommandsThere are now commands you can use in the chat to perform various functions, such as:

  • /help - Shows you a list of commands available to you.
  • /clear - Clears all the messages from your chat window.
  • /pause - Pauses checking for new messages.
  • /mute - Allows you to hide messages coming from certain users
  • /pm - Send a message to another chat member without other users seeing it.

If you have ideas for other commands, please don't hesitate to share them!

OpengraphThere is now some opengraph support, this mean that when a link is posted in the chat you may see a little more information related to it.

Private MessagesUsing the /pm command you can now send private messages to other users in the chat. Only you, the recipient and admins can see these messages. To tell if a message is a private message or not look for a small red arrow and your name in the message.

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at
Last edited 12:36 AM (UTC) on Sep 26, 2017 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Sep 26, 2017
Long time no see!

Even though it might not seem like it at first glance, this update is actually a pretty massive one.

Firstly the things you probably won't notice:
  • The backened (baconcore) has had a plethora of updates, optimization and bug fixes.
  • A large majority of the Javascript has been redone to try and allow the frontend to be updated with much more ease and create a sense of uniformity in the code.

And now for the raison d'etre of this post...


The chat feature is very much experimental at the moment but hopefully it will be a useful place for members to connect with each other or discuss what is currently playing on Radio Nintendo. More features are planned for it in the future but if you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions feel free to email me at

If you want to check out this new chat just click here, click on the link in the page header, or use the chat that is now loaded with the pop-out player (the notification sound mutes by default in the pop-out player).

The pop-out player has also recieved an overhaul and scales based on the window size (works great on mobile in my opinion).

P.S. if you haven't closed Radio Nintendo in awhile you should refresh your page, otherwise you might run into all sorts of weird happenings.

As the site is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to email them to us at
Last edited 2:14 AM (UTC) on Jun 24, 2015 by Bacon.
Posted by: Bacon
Jun 13, 2015
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